App Marketing Calendar for Developers [INFOGRAPHIC]
Certainly in today’s busy, busy world things are bound to be forgotten. Your birthday. Your anniversary. Your child’s dance recital/baseball game. It’s hard enough to try to remember those things, so it’s certainly not the easiest thing to remember to PLAN your app marketing strategies in advance so your competitors don’t get the leg-up on you. Today, thanks to the folks at Fiksu, we have this great Calendar-like infographic to share with you the Holidays that you should be aware of, that way you can continuously and proactively work towards planning your App Marketing campaigns whenever is best for your company. The App Marketer’s Calendar includes: Major holidays, events, and seasonal trends to plan for from November 2013 through October 2014 Editable monthly calendars, so you can add your own key events and timelines Historical comparisons of App Store competitiveness data and loyal user acquisition costs from the Fiksu Indexes, to help you compare and evaluate Space for your own notes on goals, results, and other app marketing activities Enjoy. If...
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