Only 2% of Top iPhone Publishers in U.S. are Newcomers, 3% on Google Play
A new report from Distimo released today has revealed that only 2% of the top 250 publishers in the iphone App Store are “newcomers”, vs 3% on the Google Play App Store. Evidently, also only 0.25% of the total revenu from the top 250 applications goes to the new iPhone app publishers, while 1.2% reaches new Android app publishers on Google Play. If you’re a newcomer, chances are – initially, you have a better shot at making money on Google Play. Distimo examined the trends in the iOS App Stores and Google Play from October 2012-January 2013. Unfortunately, having a time frame that occurred over the holidays slightly skews the data, because of Power Week which is extremely temporary. Below are the top 10 new publishers by App Store: iPad, iPhone, and Google Play. It can also be observed (in the image below) that the revenue share of Googe Play compared to Apple is close to 5% higher (12% vs 17%). It’s also important to mention Downloads, and actual...
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