April, 2013 | Mobile Minute - Part 8
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Posted by on Apr 1, 2013 in Apps, Mobile | 0 comments

Clash of Clans & HayDay Publisher Supercell now valued at $800 Million

Clash of Clans & HayDay Publisher Supercell now valued at $800 Million

Finnish Publisher Supercell (creator of of Clash of Clans and Hay Day) has reportedly sold a chunk of its stock to existing investors Institutional Venture Partners, Atomico and Index Ventures. With Supercell’s newest round of funding being between $100 and $150 (for 16-20% of the company) positions the company to be valued at $800 million.  In the initial days (2011), when Supercell was developing games for Facebook its first round of funding came from Accel Partners which raised them $12 million.  With only two games created (one being on iOS) it is said to be generating more than $1 million per day. With that being said, it means they don’t actually need the investment for anything, which could include: expansion, operations, marketing – or anything along those lines.  This deal is likely a result of the founders and original set of investors drawing in more money to cash-out with some substantial gains, while also providing the larger VC’s (new investors) some stability in ownership for whatever happens next moving forward, (which...

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Posted by on Apr 1, 2013 in Apps, Marketing, Mobile | 0 comments

Mobile Game Developers – AreYou Targetting the Rght Audience?

Mobile Game Developers – AreYou Targetting the Rght Audience?

When developing a mobile game, it may not be un-common for developers to assume that their key demographics are going to be 3-18yr old teen boys that will  naturally consume their games to their fulest.  Interestingly, a new study by EEDAR has shown that adult women now represent 30% of the gaming population.  This exceeds that of the aforementioned teen boy demographic. Much of the rise in growth for older female women gamers is said to have come from the rise in smartphone availability/ usability.  Also, 60% of people who play mobile games claim to do so, “just to pass the time”. Geoffrey Zatkin EEDAR research said, “We basically have a gaming device in every single pocket,” “It’s now social acceptable to play games anywhere.”   Taking a look at ‘reviews’ EEDar’s study also found that games in the 90-100 review score have proven to sell far more games than those who scored at any other levels of reviews.  Grossing an average of 1,123,000 units solid in the initial...

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