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Posted by on Jan 18, 2013 in Apps, iOS Updates, Mobile, Startups | 0 comments

Pathmapp private beta goes live!

Pathmapp private beta goes live!


After making their Debut at the Tech Crunch Disrupt event last year PathMapp has officially launched into private beta.

Needless to say, the private beta will allow the PathMapp team to gather useful insights on how users interact with and use Pathmapp to their advantage. Ultimately, this will lead to a better platform when they launch their public beta.  Pathmapps’ private beta provides access to their SDK and documentation from which their testers can install Pathmapp onto their iOS applications.


Once the SDK is installed and the new build of the iOS application is deployed to users, Pathmapp enables testers to do some amazing things – such as:

  1. Upload New Screen Interfaces – Our testers can create and deploy new versions of their screens without having to upload new versions of their application to the App Store.
  2. Live Configuration – We provide a snapshot of every screen and screen version available to an application, from which our testers can pick the screen versions to display to devices.
  3. A/B Testing – Our users can create tests containing test cases. Each test case has a different configuration of screen versions to display to devices. We measure converges based upon a target screen within the application that devices must reach. After a test has finished, you can choose a test case or have Pathmapp automatically choose the winning test case to display to all devices.

In the near and impending future Pathmapp plans on having all screens with heatmapp data associated with it. This data will aid designers in creating more fluid and effective screen interfaces.  This is a big step in the right direction for Pathmapp and I can only applaud their efforts.

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Kevin is an Online and Mobile Marketing Strategist who has worked with companies of all sizes over the last 6 years. You can follow Kevin on any of the social platforms below.

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  1. PathMapp Goes Live | Mobile Minute - [...] PathMapp CTO Andrew Herman said, [...]

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