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Posted by on Nov 27, 2013 in Apple, Apps, Mobile | 0 comments

Black Friday e-Commerce Growth 2013 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Black Friday e-Commerce Growth 2013 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Time and time after you've been told by specialists, analytists, and other professionals that you need to do something about that dinosaur of a website you have. I mean, if a user has to wait more than 4-seconds for it to load, fact of the matter is you already lost them. With quite a few major retailers preparing for 'the big day' (Black Friday) to see their profits soar, the question you have to ask yourself is, is your website prepared for this avalanche of traffic?


Why not?

I guess you don't like making sales or money for that matter.

The folks at New Relic have provided this insightful infographic that shows the explosive growth of e-commerece and a look at the numbers.


new-relic infographic
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In other news, A report from TC yesterday stated that Apple recently implemented updates to its App Store's search engine to allow for more accurate search when typos and misspelled queries took place. This update is said to also work in the instance of a user using a space vs not using one or vice versa.

"For example, those looking for the highly ranked “QuizUp” game wouldn’t have found it before if they had typed in “Quiz Up” with a space. Now it appears."

The result (obviously) will lead to better discoverability for Apps in Apple's App Store. According to the report the changes have been rolling out over the last few weeks.



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