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Posted by on Apr 24, 2013 in Random, Funny, or Cool, Startups | 1 comment

Seriously. Wot Went Wrong? The Answer to All your Love Related Questions.

Seriously. Wot Went Wrong? The Answer to All your Love Related Questions.

Like I’ve said in the past, it’s not every day that I write about a company that’s not completely related to mobile.  Fortunately for you,  today is one of those days. Last night I found myself at an event with about 20 other women in the room.  I quickly realized that I was the only guy there and thought to myself, “Well gee – this should be interesting..”   After hearing about what Women Inspire Tech (WIT) is all about, I realized that it was a pretty cool organization they had pulled together.  As I mentioned briefly to the organizer Tiffany, “It’s great you guys are hosting these events to help women create more meaningful connections and see how we can all help each other…” “..It reminds me a lot of my friend Mark Sackett’s event he has called, The Art of Active Networking“.   It wasn’t until a little later in the evening that I ran into Audrey from Australia who happens to be the CEO of ...

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Posted by on Mar 23, 2013 in Mobile, Random, Funny, or Cool | 0 comments

My iPhone Just Got Cranked – No Really, Gridcase Reactor is working On a Prototype.

My iPhone Just Got Cranked – No Really, Gridcase Reactor is working On a Prototype.

Don’t you wish that when your iPhone 5 died you could just plug it into one of the several 30-pin adapters you probably have lying around collecting dust? I know I do. But what I really wish is that in-case I forgot my charger I could just some-how charge it, even if I was say – camping, water-skiing, riding a donkey to the top of mount Everest, get the point. Well.. The time has come! Gridcase reactor has created such a device that allows you to charge your iPhone 5 with no power, aside from the power you “Crank” into your phone yourself. Gridcase describes the Reactor in the following statement, “The Reactor utilizes a patent-pending, ultra-thin generator to enable users to manually charge the battery of their iPhone 5 when wall outlets are unavailable. The Reactor is designed to provide an all-important power boost when critical data must be retrieved or essential communication becomes necessary. Since the Reactor is embedded into the phone’s case, there’s never a circumstance...

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Posted by on Mar 21, 2013 in Random, Funny, or Cool | 0 comments

Twitter Patents Twitter – And Also “Pull to Refresh”

Twitter Patents Twitter – And Also “Pull to Refresh”

Generally, I don’t let this type of news snag even a fraction of my attention but after doing some research  I thought this was too funny not to write about.  So here we go.  The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has received a patent issued by Twitter that describes: a “”Device independent message distribution platform,” listed as invented by Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone (both co-founders of the social service) do note however, the request was filed in 2008. It basically describes, a way for a message to be sent by various means into a system, without it having to be addressed to anyone specifically, with potential recipients that elect to receive messages from the sender having the update delivered to them.   It is said that this patent, as well as another for the “Pull to refresh” action (which is now almost a ubiquitous standard in UI/UX design) are currently pending, but potentially valuable to the company. It is unlikely Twitter will attach other companies using their patented technology (more...

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Posted by on Mar 16, 2013 in Random, Funny, or Cool | 0 comments

Which ISP (Internet Source Provider) is the fastest?

Which ISP (Internet Source Provider) is the fastest?

Who would know better than Netflix of who the fastest ISP is?   With 33 million customers currently streaming more than 1 billion hours of TV and movies every single month, and in some cases using up to 1/3rd of all the bandwith in North America – Netflix undoubtedlyhas the data. In a new ISP Index, Netflix has provided insights for 8 different countries, including: USA, UK, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Mexico. For the U.S. it looks like the top dogs are: Having dealt with Comcast a lot recently, it makes me wonder if I should even retain their service seeing as they’re actually all-the-way down at #7, whereas I presumably thought they were in the top 5.  On a global level things look more like the image below.   To check the results from your own country, Click Here....

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Posted by on Mar 11, 2013 in Apps, Mobile, Random, Funny, or Cool | 0 comments

Leap + Fleksy = Awesome

Leap + Fleksy = Awesome

There are certain things you run across every once-in-a-while that are just straight up awesome.  Leap + Fleksy is one of those things.  ..And instead of me going into WHY I think that is, you can enjoy this video they put together, where I’m sure when your mind will be blown just as mine was. The company, currently making their rounds at the SXSW conference are showing off their software working with the Leap Motion Controller to provide gesture-based typing input that works just like its iPhone and Android app – except, in mid-air. The company is also debuting its iOS SDK this week, which will allow third-party apps on iOS take advantage of the unique software keyboard.   Needless to say, the demo is very cool.  It’s also likely one of the first apps many will try out when they receive their Leap (set to ship in...

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Posted by on Mar 1, 2013 in Apps, Mobile, Random, Funny, or Cool | 0 comments

The Harlem What?

The Harlem What?

By now.  Surely you’ve heard of The Harlem Shake from Bauer.  No?  Then you have to check it out here.  It’s pretty much like the next Gangnam Style.  What I find very interesting however is that, un-like Gangnam Style the # of viewer generated video responses is subsantially more. Substantially.  Since YouTube’s latest Trend Report 2 weeks ago there were over 4,000 Harlem Shake video responses being uploaded every-single-day.  The videos that had been uploaded had also accumulated over 175 million views with 40,000+ Harlem Shake Videos being uploaded in total.   Interestingly enough, this article is NOT about the Video. It’s about The App. The Harlem Shake App has exploded in Downloads (as seen in the image below). Another thing worth mentioning as courtesy to the folks who brought this to my Attention – App Annie, has recently added several new features to their Analytics Services which include:   Hourly Rankings Your apps’ rank in the top charts is one of the best leading indicators for downloads (and revenue). ...

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