The Secrets to ranking on the Google Play Store | Revealed
We’re going to jump right into the deep end today. The differentiations about ranking on Google Play vs Ranking on Apple. This article is based on an interview that had been conducted with the folks from W3i and Nate Dykstra. First question: How do Google Play’s and Apple’s ranking algorithms vary? The key in Google Play is quality. Having taken a lot of heat in their early days for having apps that were extremely lacking in regards to quality; this method allows them to hold developers accountable if the want to see success on the platform. Google Plays ranking algorithm seems a lot more calculated than Apple’s seeing as they take into account variables that date back ot the initial launch date of the apps (that means 4+ years for some). Meanwhile Apple is believed to calculate their rankings based on more ‘real-time’ data measuring only a few days back, this is what enables media buys (paid promotion) to have such immediate influence. As of late, Google has begun...
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