Corona Releases In-App Payment Feature via Fortumo
For those of you who are already using this SDK in your app, this may be a nice little treat, or option you can now consider to monetizing your in-app-purchases. It is now available in 80 countries around the world, (with more to come I imagine) and it will work with all Android app and game purchases, including Nook (what’s that? ;)) purchases as well. As mentioned above, the features are made available through Fortumo which announced yesterday that is going to be partnering with Corona Labs. Fortumo specializes in one-click payments that don’t require users to enter credit card #’s (which none of us I’m sure would admit to enjoy doing on a smartphone). Coronoa COO David Rangel had this to say: “There’s an incredible opportunity for developers to generate revenue with Corona-powered apps and games,” “Partnering with Fortumo gives our developers an option that performs extremely well across various markets. The addition of Nook in-app purchases is also highly welcome by a large number of Corona developers...
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