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Posted by on Jan 29, 2013 in Apps, Mobile, Startups | 0 comments

Watch out TestFlight – Kickfolio rolls out embedding feature

Watch out TestFlight – Kickfolio rolls out embedding feature

Having touched on Kickfolio in December the service got some major updates today; including the ability to embed app demos on any webpage using an iframe. These features while great for developers and users are also going to heat things up with competition like Testflight or PreApp.  It will be interesting to see how these 3 companies evolve and innovate as the industry progresses. If you go to their website and scroll down a little you’ll see these features and be able to test them. They also now support  iPad apps, and are making the service much more affordable for all. Needless to say, this is a powerful tool for developers promoting their apps online, and no reason people should’t take advantage of when providing free demos to potential users and have on their website. After receiving some feedback from their users regarding their plans that start at $50 a month Kickfolio has slashed the cheapest plan to $9 a month (which includes 500 embed sessions). Every plan now also includes...

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Posted by on Jan 25, 2013 in Apps, Mobile, Startups | 3 comments

PreApps to bring App Previews to End Users

PreApps to bring App Previews to End Users

If you’re developing an app your biggest concern, (and probably what keeps you up at night) is: whether or not your app will be a hit.  Or how it will be received by users. Good? Bad? Not at all?  Without launching your app and releasing it onto the Apple App Store, or Google Play marketplace (what have you) there is no way to really “tell” how users are going to take it, and whether or not they will actually like it. Heck, maybe they even have good feedback you could implement while you’re still in development before the app hits the store. Yeah, it’s a shame..there hasn’t been a way to do this. UNTIL NOW   Introducing, Pre Apps With over 1.2 millions apps currently on the market and over 30,000 new apps submitted each month, PreApps is the exclusive place to preview new and exciting apps coming soon. PreApps aims to, “forever enhance the relationship between mobile app developers and mobile app users, which will in turn create...

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Posted by on Jan 23, 2013 in Apple, Apps, Marketing, Mobile | 1 comment

Apple App Store to have 435K New Apps in 2013

Apple App Store to have 435K New Apps in 2013

But how many of these Apps will go into the ‘App Graveyard’.. where many, many, many Apps wonder, waiting for the day their creators will revive them to become the App they were created to be.  Mobile analytics firm and ad network Adeven released a new year-end report today which reveals several key findings. One of these finding is of course, that the iOS App Store is looking to grow an additional 435,000 apps this year (on top of the 790K+ apps available for download).    This will be a substantial increase from 2012 which had 380,000.  According to Surikate however, 81% of UK visitors stop browsing after checking out the top 50 apps.  This is decrease in viewership is likely due primarily as a result of Chomp’s acquisition prior to iOS 6 when they implemented the new UI to the app store.   Adeven also found that most apps were likely to go un-noticed with 64% of apps not even securing a ‘ranking spot’ for the month of December, thus...

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Posted by on Jan 21, 2013 in Apps, Mobile | 0 comments

Temple Run 2 hits 20 Million downloads opening weekend – 1,775 years of Gameplay

Temple Run 2 hits 20 Million downloads opening weekend – 1,775 years of Gameplay

It appears the small team at Imangi Studios has done it again. With 20 million downloads their opening weekend it makes you wonder.. What makes this sequel SO Good? The answer: Not much. (in a good way) Imangi has done an incredible job at retaining the core game play of the original Temple Run while adding new features such as: Zipline sections where players jump to ride them, and can tilt to swing to a side and collect points. A mine-cart sections where players tilt in the direction they want to go down a path and avoid walls, along with trying to ride a single rail in some dangerous sections. These single rail sections can be particularly devious to try and survive. Check out the video here: Instead of being in a forest the game is now “a float” a floating jungle in the sky. The new vibrant display of colors and 3-Dimensionality, as well as over-all environment is breathtaking. I’d say the biggest change is: There is now...

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Posted by on Jan 20, 2013 in Apps, Marketing, Mobile | 0 comments

“If your company hasn’t gotten on board with the mobile bandwagon, then you’re pretty late.” – Flurry

“If your company hasn’t gotten on board with the mobile bandwagon, then you’re pretty late.” – Flurry

That’s a pretty strong sentiment for people who haven’t gotten on the app/mobile band wagon.  Living in a digital age, in a digital world, with digital insights aiding our decision making every-single-day – it seems blatantly obvious WHY any business with the budget to do so would want to harness the power of mobile applications. Simon Khalaf CEO of Flurry gave a talk last Thursday at the Flurry Source 13 conference in San Francisco where he instilled some key observations, ” “You go to any airport and any country,” and “It feels like the PC is gone.” While the US still leads in in mobile devices with 181 million units compared to China’s 167 million, UK’s 35 million, and Japans 28 million. According to some analysts in the next 2 years China will surpass us in the leading device holders, as well as smartphone users. Last year alone, China grew 293% in iOS and Android device activations. Vietnam and Columbia also grew a remarkable 269% and 260%. When you...

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