5 Tips for Optimizing Your App Economy
5 tips for optimizing your app economy 1) Confused people do nothing. So don’t overwhelm your users. Instead, you should display a small amount of virtual items (about 6) and give hints that more content can be “unlocked” after players achieve new levels. Why 6? Take notes from online retailers, specifically Amazon, and how they display search results. There’s a reason Amazon only shows 4-7 search results on a screen (depending on resolution) without requiring you to scroll. Implementing this concept to your game will prevent players from becoming overwhelmed and allow them to better interpret the items available. Silhouette’s work as a great hints for players. 2) Make it easy Whether you’re directing someone to opt-in to your mailing list ..buy one of your products or purchase upgrades.. You want it to make it painfully easy for them to do so. My friend Jason once said the funniest thing I’ve ever heard, but at the same time it was a sad truth for...
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