What do you get when you cross apps with a groupon-like discovery model? Wurlpool.
Having made their appearance last night at the Tech Cocktail event I began to wonder, could Wurlpool be an app developers best friend? Maybe. Let’s walkthrough how it works.. Users receive instant updates of new app giveaways as push notifications. (this is the same type of notification you get when: someone texts you, a new email arrives, or facebook notifies you that someone just tagged you in a pic from that crazy party last friday night) Users are then able to ‘enter to win’ these otherwise premium apps. Users are shown how much time is left until the promotion is over. Redemption codes are sent out to the winner(s) email address(es). Rinse and Repeat – a new giveaway starts all over again. Pretty simple right? Right.. But let’s really look into this, because I’m sure you’re wondering.. How do I know they’re not going to spam me with...
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