Kindle Fire and iPad Mini Taking Off
A new report from ad platform Millennial Media has revealed that tablets alone accounted for a substantial amount of impression growth, with Android devices coming full fledged. Of the Android devices, the Kindle Fire and Samsung tablets were the two dominant share holders with a combined total of 41% of the tablet market, compared to 58% for Apple. When taking a look at the screenshot below it’s apparent that the Smartphone share of mobile devices also grew considerably from 68% to 75%. Non-Phone connected devices (Tablets) also growing 5% and most unsurprisingly, Feature Phones regressing from 17% in 2011, down to 5% in 2012. Millennial notes that Android continues to take up more places in the top 20 mobile phones list on its platform, while Apple continues to reign as the market leader with its own devices generating oustanding traffic from just the few core devices. The iPad mini in particular, was among Apple’s strongest performers, growing its share of impressions at an average rate of...
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