6 Predictions on Mobile Gaming in 2013
The information to follow is a summation of an article that was published earier this week by Eric Savitz over at Forbes. With that being said, please enjoy these insights as they could save you A LOT of time, money, and effort as you contemplate your next or first release into the Apple App Store or Google Play Market. Ever since the hit sensation Angry Birds made its debut on the App Store just a few short years ago the world has been comparing the likes of mobile vs console gaming. The majority of people are quick to conlcude that mobile gaming is not as immersive as console and PC games. While that may be true, 2013 could be the year that proves otherwise. Needless to say, in 2012 there was tremendous progress, mainly due to mobile hardware advances, but also to the growth of smartphone adoption (with most now carrying the equivalent of a gaming console around in their pockets). So what does 2013 really have in...
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