4 Tips on Launching Your App
Why waste time on this one. Let’s just get into the nitty-gritty so you can be on your way, enjoying the day ahead, and most importantly – launch that App of yours. 1) Track Your Performance. There are various ways of doing this, and it’s critical to your success. Once your app is published it’s important to track initial user experience both quantitative and qualitative. While there are more than enough platforms out there to help you do this, here are a few: App Annie, Localytics, Flurry. To distinguish the two varying methods of ‘tracking’ above quantitative refers to: specific metrics relating to user actions, whereas qualitative would be more of direct user feedback that gauges emotion and interest. 2) Invest in initial User Experience There was an article I wrote earlier that talks about how 57% of gamers brand discovery/awareness is from word-of-mouth. That’s a pretty big number. And if you want ot take advantage of that type of referal-based marketing, then you better focus on...
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