10,000 iPhone 5’s Falling Like Dominoes
Saturday afternoon, and nothing to do eh? Well, maybe you could start off your day by watching this AMAZINGly well thought out Domino sequence by the folks at Aatma Studios. What you may be surprised to realize is that all these phones are actually CG (computer generated). So, yeah – the company didn’t actually go out and BUY 10,000 iPhone 5’s, (that certainly wouldn’t be cheap). CEO Pramod Modi Shantharam said, “Except for the first iPhone that is set off, every other phone you see is computer generated,” “We modeled, animated and rendered the CG phone where the footage was first motion-tracked and the CG phone was composited over it.” Also adding, “We’ve been known for visualizing unique concepts for iPhones and iPads on our YouTube channel,” “This time, we wanted to stretch our creativity and deliver something that’s almost as entertaining as an advert. We think if the iPhone 5s were to have NFC, this concept commercial could be a unique way to promote it.” “The end...
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