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Posted by on Mar 21, 2013 in Apps, Marketing, Mobile | 0 comments

TestFlight Launches FlightPath Mobile Analytics Platform [Beta]

TestFlight Launches FlightPath Mobile Analytics Platform [Beta]

If you haven’t heard of TestFlight you’ve probably been out of the loop, or living under a rock.. so I’ll fill you in before we get into this.  Test Flight was one of the pioneers in the ‘Testing of Apps’ business.  Originally creating an online platform that allowed App Developers to upload their builds and then send out private invites to their friends, family, whathaveyou – this service was available for both iOS and Android developers for the grand total of FREE. Basically all you had to do was.. Set up TestFlight Distribute your Beta Analyze the usage and Improve our app based on that data/information.   TestFlight attracted companies from all over including: Adobe, Disney, Spotify, Discovery, Openfeint, Mtv, Fandango, posterous, pandora, nimlebit, tumblr, instagram, caa, tapiy, social  gaming network, and more..     So now, what makes FlightPath so cool?  Well, a beautiful dashboard for one.. Additionally, the company is aiming for simplicity and focusing on customization. Ben Satterfield had this to say in an interview with...

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Posted by on Mar 14, 2013 in Marketing, Mobile | 1 comment

Google Study Finds 28% of Mobile Searches Result in Follow-up Conversions

Google Study Finds 28% of Mobile Searches Result in Follow-up Conversions

Google in partnership with Nielsen has released a report that dives into the metrics of what’s driving mobile conversions.  Some highlights to start off would be: Mobile search is always on, happening on the go, at home and at work. 77% of mobile searches occur at home or work, while 17% is on the go. Mobile searches are strongly tied to specific contexts – shopping queries are 2x more likely to be in store.  3/4 mobile searches trigger follow-up actions, whether it be further research, a store visit, a phone call, a purchase or word-of-mouth sharing.  On average, each mobile search triggers nearly 2 follow-up actions.  Mobile search triggered follow-up actions also happen very quickly, with 55% of follow-up actions taking place in the hour.   The methodology used in the study was as follows: Step 1: Mobile Search Diary 416 respondents were invited to log any type of mobile search in the moment, via Nielsen Life360 survey app on their mobile or tablet, for up to 14 days. 6,303 searches...

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Posted by on Mar 13, 2013 in Apps, Marketing, Mobile | 0 comments

Fiksu Reports Results of Facebook PPI Campaigns

Fiksu Reports Results of Facebook PPI Campaigns

Mobile analytics company Fiksu has today reported their findings on the performance of Facebook Pay-per-Install Campaigns they have ran with several of their clients.  Here’s the skinny: Click through rates are twice as high as what they saw when testing on typical networks Conversion rates are significantly higher than many other sources Loyalty and user retention are higher than a typical network CPI ranges are highly variable, but for the apps we’ve tested are within a reasonable range relative to costs seen on other networks Fiksu notes that: the results are preliminary and can’t be gauranteed for every app.   Overall, Fiksu believes that FB’s PPI opportunities will become a powerful resource for mobile marketers.  Additionally, Fisku encourages targetting users who are already engaged with you/ like you – (in this instance).  Fact of the matter is, cross-channel marketing will always be important, but it’s just as – if not more important to understand that.. The people who already like you.. The people who already buy from you.. The people who...

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Posted by on Mar 7, 2013 in Marketing, Mobile | 0 comments

The Mobile Shopper in 2013 [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Mobile Shopper in 2013 [INFOGRAPHIC]

A new infographic released by the folks at Intela looks at the growing uptake for m-commerece in the UK and US, and how we can understand these tech savvy shoppers.  Part of the infographic reveals that 44% of US consumers are now thought to be more likely to make a purchase via their mobile device than they were just a year ago, while the same is true for 40% of UK consumers in those same 12 months.   Earlier last month Intela also published a report that revealed 12% of consumers would be happy to make substantial purchases of over the $129 range in a single purchase over their phone.  The report also found that email optimized for mobile is a key trigger for 27% of consumers in the UK to make a mobile pruchase, VS banner ads on mobile sites that only  triggered a hardly mentionable 1%.   These trends were also found to be true in the US with 36% of smartphone owners driven to make a...

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Posted by on Mar 6, 2013 in Marketing, Mobile | 0 comments

m-Commerce and In-App Messaging Campaigns, Why Use Localytics?

m-Commerce and In-App Messaging Campaigns, Why Use Localytics?

It really goes without saying (but I’ll say it any way) that m-commerce is one of the fastest growing and unique channels of any retailer’s engagement initiatives with their buyer. With this rapid adoption, especially in commerce, it is vital that your marketing campaigns be more engaging and relevant to mobile users than ever before (especially considering you have a 97% read-rate, WHY WOULDN”T you want them to be??).   Today we’re going to be discussing how you can go about setting up campaigns that won’t just get people to “feel good” about your brand, but plainly – make you more money.   First and foremost, before you even THINK about getting into this type of campaign building and strategy, you need a service that will allow you to deliver the messages you will be creating.  Localytics is one of these services that allows you to send rich, customized messages, specifically crafted for individual audience segments directly based on your analytics data. Because it is based on your user...

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Posted by on Feb 24, 2013 in Apps, Marketing, Mobile, Startups | 0 comments

Magic Solver – The User Acquisition Specialists

Magic Solver – The User Acquisition Specialists

Similar to the likes of AppGratis, AppsFire, Tapjoy, FreeAppADay and the countless others Magic Solver and their team strive to test thousands of apps from talented developers in 5 continents and select a ‘la creme de la creme every day’.  While I was under the impression that one of Apple’s most recent developer updates last year indicated that, “Apps cannot exist for the sole-purpose of promoting other apps”   If it is the case that MagicSolver is relying mainly on their positioning and performance in the App Store, it might be disappointing to later down the road if Apple mandates they change their business model or take the app out of the app store.   It is worth mentioning however, Magic Solver has helped a large number of well branded companies which include: Zynga,, BooYah!, Gameloft, Z2Life, Sunstorm, TinyCo, GREE, Kabam, PocketGems, Playmesh, Ngmoco, Playdom, CBS | Interactive, and the like.. Magic Solver  also boasts the following stats: 2 million FreeAppMagic users, who have saved over $16 million getting...

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Posted by on Feb 24, 2013 in Apps, Marketing, Mobile, Startups | 0 comments

Tap for Tap – Get Users Make Money

Tap for Tap – Get Users Make Money

Ok, before you go off thinking that Tap for Tap is just another app discovery service, I should start off by telling you that – you’re right.  But there’s more more to it.  Really.  If there name alone was indicative how how their service works, then maybe it’s worth mentioning that: Tap for Tap gives app developers two cost-effective ways to promote their apps and a simple way of generating ad revenue in one easy-to-use platform.   The best thing to do of course, would be to download their SDK, select the style of ad units you’d like to show in your app then just decide how you’d like to get be compensated with the Earnings Preference slider (below).   By selecting “Get Users” and you’ll earn credits for taps and installs on the tap exchange.  Selecting “Make Money” will of course, provide you monetization from the network.  The best part is, it’s not a black and white scenario.  You can also choose to be “in the middle” of...

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