There’An App For That, says App Annie
Read MoreEvery once in a while comes out with these great inforgraphics. Unfortunately the one they sent out earlier this month was buried in my inbox and I didn’t see it until just now. With that being said, I’m happy to share it with you today. Here is what we’ll be taking a look at. “What you need to know about App Store Optimization & SEO for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch” Additional insights can be derived from the image below. Top 10 Developer Tips: Mobile SEO in Apple’s App Store – iPhone, iPad, iOS7 [Infographic by] from...
Read MoreThanks to the folks at DCI we have an interesting Infographic to look at today that covers the “do’s” and “dont’s” of App marketing. While most of the things illustrated in the infographic isn’t necessarily new information, it certainly helps to have a visual to give you a better understanding if it hasn’t hit home already. With that being said, enjoy the infographic below and if you’re still curious as to ways to market your app take a look around the site, and I’m sure you’ll find more than enough insights....
Read MoreSo then, what the heck does that mean to you? Well, as an advertiser – this means you can more quickly and conveniently create mobile app ads with just a few clicks. This means that Advertisers can now create a mobile app install ad just by writing their copy and providing their app’s URL on the App Store or Google Play. This new process also makes it easier for developers to get their ad up and running by removing the step of first having to register their app with Facebook. According to Fiksu who reported on the changes earlier this week, and also happens to be big fans of Facebook’s Mobile Install Ads, “In our opinion, the Facebook mobile app install ad unit provides a great, granular way for advertisers to effectively reach the highly qualified Facebook audience of over 750 million mobile users.” also adding, “To date, the best results we have seen from the Facebook mobile app install ad unit have been derived from consistently optimizing and...
Read MoreToday we’re going to jump right into to HOW you can get your game noticed in the incredibly fast growing App Ecosystem, with $0 in marketing budget. Let’s do it. 8 Ways to Get 1 Million Downloads for $0. 1)Why should people play your game? This is of course the most basic, but arguably the most over-looked question developers need to ask themselves. Asking this question: “Why should anyone play this game?” is the place you should start before reading anything else. If it is the case that you’re aiming to create an action title that offers fast-paced, exciting combat – then you may want to put a deal of emphasis on the battle system itself and iterate until it feels as though something that is dynamic and responsive compared to what’s already out there. This is not to say that you have to go and reinvent the wheel, but there should be an obvious beneficial distinguishing factor. Note: There’s not point in adding bells and whistles if...
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