User Acquisition Best Tactics by AppsFlyer
With so many different options for user acquisition some could find it daunting, other’s could find it confusing, and the rest.. well, may just not be that interested in doing the due diligence to see which is actually ‘the best’ approach. Fortunately for us, AppsFlyer ha set out to get to the bottom of this issue through its analysis of billions of in-app events during Q1 of this year (2013). As seen in the image below, according to the figures – incentivized downloads (in purple) provide the highest conversion rate, but suffers in quality when it comes to long-term engagement. Search (in yellow) provides high quality users, but low conversions, and low volume. In this case, the diameter of each circle represents the volume each of the six types of user acquisition channel can provide. As is apparent, social discovery (in blue) is what AppsFlyer says works the best. Also adding that, since Facebook entered into the realm of app discovery, this channel has become pre-eminent. AppsFlyer notes...
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